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Art Commissions Tracker - Flygohr's Art Commissions Utilities

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Art Commissions Tracker - Flygohr's Art Commissions Utilities

This database will help you keep track of your art commissions, clients, and payments in one place, with robust forms, filters, and workflows.

This database and its guides are meant for artists that do art commissions and meet any of the following:

  • You don’t know what to work on, either because you don’t keep an organized projects list or you have too many jobs to keep track of
  • You don’t always know where to find the briefings and comments for a particular project
  • You don’t remember who paid you, when, or how much is left to pay for a particular project
  • You don’t have a way for clients to check the progress of their work without contacting you directly, wasting your time updating them
  • You want to be more organized with your art commission jobs
  • You want to be on top of your finances and payments related to your freelance work
  • You want to have a working system to be more productive

With this database and its guides:

  • You will have a bird’s eye view of your projects and their status at any time
  • You’ll be able to offer a board view your clients will access to know at what stage their work is
  • You’ll learn how to keep track of your payments
  • You’ll learn how to keep track of your clients
  • You’ll be more organized and efficient and will have more time to dedicate to drawing
  • You’ll learn how to keep the database up to date
  • You’ll learn how to customize the database to your need
  • You’ll always have your briefings, notes, and revision requests at hand without having to check emails

I’ve been using this setup for almost six years now

I duplicate it and create a new one every year to keep track of invoices and totals.

The first iteration of it only had the Jobs table, but I slowly improved the database and its workflow over the following years until I settled on the setup we’ll explore in this guide.

You will get access to:

  • A database with tables to track Jobs, Clients, and Payments
  • Multiple example jobs with faux clients and payments to give you a way to interact with the database even before you get clients
  • Three easy-to-bookmark forms to quickly input your own data without messing with the spreadsheet directly
  • A board view ready to be shared with your clients
  • Multiple filtered views optimized in six years of freelance work
  • A calendar for your deadlines you can integrate with services you already use

Bonus #1:

A 12 pages long setup guide to walk you through every aspect of getting the database ready for your workflows.

Bonus #2:

A 7 pages long guide detailing the workflows and routines I perfected over the last six years to get the best out of this system

Start using this system TODAY

I've seen the best improvements in the number of clients and amounts of money I was getting when I started being organized with my commissions work.

There's no reason to postpone this purchase! I packaged everything I've used in the past six years in this little product, and if you don't know how to get clients, I have tools and guides for that too!

30 days money back, guaranteed

If, after reading my guides and trying the template, you see no results or are not satisfied with the purchase, it means that I failed and that you deserve your money back. Send me a message with the email you used to purchase, and I will personally issue a full refund. I won't accept refund requests after 30 days from your purchase, so please be considerate.

Wait, there's more!

I have created an affiliate program for this product if you find my processes useful. You can apply here: If you help me promote this, you get 30% from every sale coming from your affiliate link! A few suggestions:

  • Sending your affiliate link to friends and colleagues
  • Sending the affiliate link to your mutuals
  • Adding the affiliate link to a post that talks about my system and template

To your art commissions success,

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